Birds are singing and the days are getting warmer and longer; it’s time to start moving the body and get active again!

Winter is nearly over and Spring is just around the corner.  Your body may be waking up from ‘hibernation’ – your mind blossoming with ideas around Spring-time activities.  Are you planning to spend time in the garden clearing those weeds or digging a new veggie patch?  Are you thinking about dusting off your old deadly-treadly and heading off for a coastal bike-ride?

As you begin to get active again, incorporating a therapeutic massage into your spring routine can be vital in order to maintain flexibility and prevent any injuries.

Here’s how a therapeutic massage can help….

  • Improve Your Flexibility

One thing we often do in winter is sit a little too much, often cozied up in a blanket, which leads to tight muscles. Therapeutic massage will relax your muscles and joints, and prepare your body for increased activities.

  • Increase Your Recovery

Chances are if you are exercising for the first time in a while, your muscles are a bit sore and prone to injury.  Incorporating deeper pressure massage and myofascial release can improve sports and daily performance, as well as restoration and recovery from injury.

  • Brighten Up Your Mind

We need to take care of our emotional and psychological wellness in order to stay healthy and stress free. Massage therapy is a wonderful way to get out of the winter blues and keep your mood light and bright in the Spring. Through the power of touch, massage can reduce cortisol and adrenaline, as well as increase serotonin and dopamine to reduce anxiety and depression.

With the warmer months fast approaching, it is never too early to start waking up your body and preparing for the season of new life. Contact Barb on 0415 422 600 to book your appointment or for more information – check out our website:

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